1st Grade News: 2/3
- February 6: Visit from Rescue Rex
- February 10: In-school visit from Nashville Zoo
- February 14: Valentine Parties/12:15-1:15pm/All parents are welcome to come. Please let your child’s teacher know if you plan to attend.
- February 20: No school for students/Presidents’ Day
- February 21: First Grade Field trip to TPAC/Please don’t forget to turn in the permission slip.
- February 21-22-23: Used Book Sale
- February 23: Navigator Day/Please wear PPE Navigator t-shirt.
- February 24: Read-A-Thon begins/More information will be sent home.
What we are learning:
Social Studies: Studies Weekly #24 “What is a Tradition Anyway?”
Science: The Structures of Plants and their Life Cycles
TN Foundational Skills/Phonics: Blending, segmenting, tricky words, and decodable texts
Wit & Wisdom: Module 2 “Creature Features”
Focusing Question: How do animals use the same feature in unique ways?
End of Module Task: Write and illustrate an informative paragraph about an animal’s unique features.
Math: Unit 5 Adding Within 100
Spelling Words: he’s she’s let’s can’t here’s it’s there’s I’m
Tricky Words: how said
Homework will be sent home on Monday, February 6 and is due on Friday.