
Kindergarten News: 2/3

Happy February!
This week was a bit crazy! We hope you stayed safe during this round of winter weather. We wrapped up several units this week. We concluded our study of farms in Wit and Wisdom. We are starting a new study on America next week. We finished another foundational skills unit overe blends. We are moving into digraphs next week. We are concluding our study on composing and decomposing. Next week we are diving in to teen numbers.

-Monday, February 6th is the 100th day of school! We are excited to celebrate. 😊 Students can dress up as 100 year olds if they would like to!
*Note: this is a change due to the weather this week!

-We are headed to the Nashville Children’s Theater on February 7th! We are seeing Llama Llama Red Pajama. Please send your student in their red field trip shirt.

-Valentine’s day parties are upon us! Please see your student’s Friday folder for details on their Valentine mailbox. Please send them in on Monday, February 13th.

Upcoming Dates:

  • February 6th- 100th day of school
  • February 7th- Field trip to Nashville Children’s Theater
  • February 13th- Valentine’s boxes sent in
  • February 14th- Valentine’s parties


ELA Module Learning Goals

Knowledge Goals:
-Identify the differences among the seasons and how they affect life on the farm.
-Describe key details about different farm animals, including how they help humans.
-Retell classic folktales featuring farm animal characters, using various story elements as a guide.
-Understand the elements that make up a narrative and how these elements work together to create a cohesive story.

Reading Goals:
-Retell familiar stories, describing major events in the order that they occur.
-Describe stories’ characters, setting, and major events, including problem, responses to the problem, and resolution.
-Compare and contrast the experiences of characters in familiar stories.

Writing Goals:
-Use a combination of drawing, dictating, and writing to respond to a prompt and supply information about a topic.
-Use a combination of drawing, dictating, and writing to narrate several linked events in the order that they occurred.
-Use digital recording to produce and publish writing, including in collaboration with peers.
-Collect evidence from the texts and use it support responses to a prompt.

Speaking & Listening Goals:
-Speak clearly and audibly with a strong voice.
-Demonstrate active listening by engaging in conversations and reacting to the responses of peers.

Language Goals:
-Produce and expand sentences using frequently occurring nouns and verbs as well as prepositions.
-Write the letters that represent most phonemes, and apply them to their own writing and drawing.
-Expand understanding of word meanings through discussion, real-life connections, and sorting common objects into categories.

K.5 Composing and Decomposing Numbers to 10
Unit Goals
-Students compose and decompose numbers within 10.
Section C Goals
-For any number from 1 to 9, find the number that makes 10 when added to the given number.

Social/Emotional Learning (SEL)
3A. Demonstrate awareness and consideration of other people’s emotions, perspectives, and social cues.
3B. Exhibit civic responsibility in multiple settings.
3C. Demonstrate an awareness and respect for human dignity, including culture and differences.

Thanks for ALL you do!
-Kindergarten Teachers 😊

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