1st Grade News: 3/24
Please check your child’s Friday Folder for a permission slip concerning our upcoming field trip to Percy Warner Nature Center
- March 28: Third Quarter Report Cards Sent Home
- March 29: Abraham Lincoln Impersonator Visit 8:30-9:20am for grades K-1-2
- April 5: Navigator Day/Please wear PPE Navigator t-shirts
- April 6: Students do not attend school/PD day for teachers
- April 7: Spring Holiday/No school
- April 12: Field Trip to Percy Warner Nature Center/Wall and Acker
- April 14: Field Trip to Percy Warner Nature Center/Brumleve, Faison, and Hartsock
What we are learning:
Social Studies: Abraham Lincoln
Science: Air & Weather
TN Foundational Skills/Phonics: Blending, segmenting, tricky words, and decodable texts
Wit & Wisdom: Module 3 Powerful Forces
Focusing Question: How do characters respond to the powerful force of the wind?
Text: Owl at Home: “The Guest”
Math: Fractions
Spelling Words swimming rotten hidden batter shredded popping nodded flipped
Tricky Words: their there
Homework will be sent home on Monday, March 27 and is due on Friday, March 31.