Percy Priest Elementary GrandFriends Spring Update
Percy Priest Elementary GrandFriends Spring Update
I hope everyone had a wonderful Spring Break with your family or friends. It’s hard to believe that March is almost over. I feel as if I was with you yesterday at GrandFriends Day!!
Percy Priest Elementary is so excited both about the addition of 5th grade to the school and the brand-new school that is being built. MNPS anticipates breaking ground early fall and opening in August 2025. How wonderful!
In the meantime, I wanted to make sure you know about a few upcoming events:
- May 12th is the Spring Picnic (on the playground that evening)
- May 19th is Spring Sing
I highly recommend both events!! What better way to spend an evening with your special people. I won’t guarantee it, but last year’s Spring Sing brought a tear to my eye. Our Grands and Special friends light up your heart as they sing from the front porch of the school.
Lastly, the PTO is selling beautiful ferns this spring as a fundraiser. Details are below. The funds raised from this event will be used to support the PTO budget, which provides our school with additional staff, software and supplies. Every penny counts!
Enjoy Spring and I hope to see you in May!!
Vicki Markham
Grandparent Liaison
Order deadline April 14
If you want the biggest, healthiest Fern on the block and you love Percy Priest, be sure to buy your ferns now through April 14!
Visit to purchase yours today!
Pick-up will be April 19th at the Percy Priest Playground (corner of Wilshire & Priest) from dismissal until 4PM. If you are unable to pick up in that timeframe, please ask a friend for help or email
The funds raised from this event will be used to support the PTO budget, which provides our school with additional staff, software and supplies. Thank you so much for your support!
We have two types of ferns available:
Boston Fern (10” and thrives in shady environment) $32
Kimberly Queen (10” and thrives in a sunny environment) $24