
2nd Grade News: 10/6

Ask your 2nd Grader:

● How does weather impact leaves in fall?
● What are the parts of an informative paragraph? What do you know about conclusions?
● What is an example of a conjunction? What is the purpose of a conjunction?
● How can number lines help us add and subtract?
● What is erosion?

What 2nd Graders Are Learning Next Week:

ELA (English Language Arts):
● Wit and Wisdom Module 1: A Season of Change
○ Essential Question: How does change impact people and nature?
○ Learning Goals:
■ Identify and sequence key details.
■ Identify and revise missing elements of a sample informative paragraph.
■ Analyze how the author develops imagery using academic vocabulary opened and drifted.
■ Describe the structure of Sky Tree by interpreting specific references to seasons.
■ Analyze how the author of Sky Tree uses varied sentence structure to give his text rhythm.
■ Determine the central message of a text.
■ Plan and draft an informative paragraph about how Sky Tree shows the cycle of the seasons.
■ Demonstrate understanding of module vocabulary by analyzing correct or incorrect word use in context.
● Tennessee Foundational Skills:
○ Review and assess

Social Studies/Science (We will rotate between science and social studies every two weeks.):
● Maps and Globes
○ North American borders

Important Information:
● Be on the lookout for a Sign-up Genius from your child’s teacher for Parent Teachers Conferences.
● We would love to have parents join us for the Harvest Party on October 31st, but unfortunately, we do not have the space to accommodate younger siblings. This is a parents only event.

● Numbers on a Number Line

Dates to Remember:
● Fall Break: October 9th-13th
● Report Cards Issued: October 24th
● Parent Teacher Conferences: October 27th
● Harvest Party: October 31st

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