
2nd Grade News: 4/26

Ask your 2nd Grader:

  • What injustices did Ruby Bridges experience as she walked into school?
  • How did Ruby Bridges respond to injustice?
  • What does the suffix -ful mean? Can you give some examples of words that have the suffix -ful added to the end?
  • What story elements are included in narrative writing?
  • How much is 3 dimes, 5 nickels, and 6 pennies?
  • How much money do you have if you’ve got two five dollar bills, 3 one dollar bills, and a quarter? How do you write the amount?
  • What are some ways that animals are grouped or classified?

What 2nd Graders Are Learning Next Week:

ELA (English Language Arts):

– Wit and Wisdom Module 3: Civil Rights Heroes
– Essential Question: How can people respond to injustice?
– Learning Goals:
– Understand the different points of view of two characters in a text.
– Describe how Ruby Bridges responds to injustice to determine the essential meaning of the text.
– Build knowledge about Ruby Bridges’ response to injustice.
– Plan the structure of an exploded moment, including thoughts, feelings, and actions.
– Narrate an exploded moment.
– Elaborate on narratives by adding details.
– Rearrange sentences to increase sentence variety.
– Rearrange sentences to increase sentence variety by beginning them with adjectives and adverbs.
– Rearrange simple and compound sentences to increase sentence variety.
– Tennessee Foundational Skills:
– Review and Assess

Spelling Words: triumph, feast, gem, giant, jacket, jump, napkin, knee, knife, wreck, ring, harsh, curve, circus, north, power, cage, badge, fudge, fiction

Solve contextual problems involving amounts less than one dollar including quarters, dimes, nickels, and pennies. Solve contextual problems involving whole number dollar amounts up to $100.

Social Studies/Science (We will rotate between science and social studies every two weeks.)

Science: Animal Classification, Lifecycles (Butterflies)

Dates to Remember:
– Travellers Rest Field Trip – May 2nd
– Field Day – May 3rd
– FastBridge Testing – May 6th-10th

Announcements/Important Information:
Payment is being collected for the Travellers Rest field trip. The cost is $8. Go to to complete payment.
All parents are welcome to join us on the Travellers Rest field trip. If you would like to chaperone, please meet us at the venue around 9:50. The field trip will be from 10:00-12:00. You will need to bring $8 for your admission fee. Unfortunately, per MNPS policy, younger siblings are not able to attend school field trips.
2nd grade classes will be having pizza for lunch on Field Day. Details from room parents will be forthcoming.

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