
3rd Grade Newsletter: 02/07/25

Math– We will continue learning about fractions! Students will develop an understanding of fractions as numbers. We will explore how to partition a number line into equal parts and show that each part is of equal length.
ELA: Students will continue a study of literature focusing on the experience of immigrants. We will read Grandfather’s Journey by Allen Say.
Valentine’s Day party request- If you are planning on attending the class party next Friday, please e-mail your child’s teacher today.  This makes it easier on our front office staff so that they can go ahead and print out your tags in advance. Thank you!

Reminder: Please pay for our upcoming field trip if you haven’t already! Reach out to your child’s teacher if you need the link to pay.

Please read the following information from Dr. Young:

Hello Percy Priest families!
This Monday, February 10th, students in grades 3-5 will be taking part in the TCAP Writing Stand Alone Field Test (SAFT). This is a state required field test that students in all metro schools will complete next week.
Some additional information about the TCAP Stand Alone Field Test:
  • To replenish the item bank of TCAP Achievement and EOC ELA writing sets, Tennessee Department of Education (TDOE) requires a Stand-Alone Field Test (SAFT) to ensure proposed sets are appropriate and statistically reliable for operational TCAP test administrations.
  • The Tennessee Department of Education created a plan to administer a field test to a representative sample once in each year of a three-year period of Tennessee districts.
  • MNPS is included in the Spring 2025 administration which is the third year of this plan.
We will not receive any student or school score reports from this field test, but this does provide us with a valuable opportunity to practice and prepare for our TCAP testing later this spring.
The entire school will be on a testing schedule on Monday.  This may impact lunch times at school.  Please see the table below for updated lunch information for Monday, February 10th.  Thank you!
Russell Young, Ed. D.
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