
2nd Grade Newsletter: 02/14/2025

Ask your 2nd Grader:

  • What were some of the main points in Martin Luther King Jr.’s “I Have a Dream” speech?
  • What is an adverb? Can you give an example?
  • What is the difference between an adjective and an adverb?
  • If you measured the same item with a centimeter ruler and an inch ruler, which unit of measure would you need more of to measure the length? Why?
  • What happens when an object is dropped from a higher point? What happens when an object is dropped from a lower point? 


What 2nd Graders Are Learning Next Week:

 ELA (English Language Arts):

  • Wit and Wisdom Module 3: Civil Rights Heroes
    • Essential Question: How can people respond to injustice?
    • Learning Goals: 
      • Examine the impact of repeated language in I Have a Dream.
      • Compare and contrast the main points of two texts on Martin Luther King Jr.’s “I Have a Dream” speech.
      • Participate, as both a listener and speaker, in a Socratic Seminar about the power of Martin Luther King Jr.’s words.
      • Use an additional source to answer a question in an informative paragraph. 
      • Write an informative paragraph, drawing evidence from two sources.
      • Determine the meaning of the new word formed when the prefix re- is added to a known word.
      • Develop vocabulary knowledge of the word freedom through creation of a Frayer Model.
      • Use the meaning of known words to predict the meaning of unfamiliar compound words. 


  • Tennessee Foundational Skills:
    • Alphabetize
    • Read words with the /sh/ + schwa sound + /n/ spelled -tion as in station 
    • Vowel sound and spelling review
    • Review verbs (action and to be forms – is, am, are, was, were)
    • Present and past tense verbs
    • Ask and answer questions about key details in the student reader
    • Spelling words: yelled, yarn, yellow, yes, myth, symbol, system, cry, frying, satisfy, yawn, sticky, lying, energy, edge



  • Measuring Length
  • Data Analysis


Social Studies/Science (We will rotate between science and social studies every two weeks.):

  • Economics:
    • Imports and Exports
    • Catchy Jingles (Advertising)


Dates to Remember:

  • February 17th: No School 
  • February 18th: Read-a-thon Begins
  • February 21st: Pajama Day
  • February 28th: Navigator Day



  • Percy Priest needs your help in updating our records as we prepare for the 2025-2026 school year. Our school enrollment is used to determine our funding through a student-based budgeting system. Responses on this survey are non-binding, but the information will be helpful in our budgetary planning and considerations. Please complete the form below for each student currently attending Percy Priest. Thank you for your help and your support of our school. 


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