3rd Grade Newsletter: 02/14/2025
Dates to Remember:
- February 17th: No School
- February 18th: Read-a-thon Begins
- February 21st: Pajama Day
- February 28th: Navigator Day
We will continue learning about fractions! In this new unit, students explore equivalent fractions. Students will learn how to use visual models to explore equivalent fractions, locate two equivalent fractions at the same point on a number line, express whole numbers as fractions, and recognize fractions that are equivalent to whole numbers.
Students will continue a study of literature focusing on the experience of immigrants. We will read Tea with Milk by Allen Say. Students will analyze the basic elements of the story and consider a central conflict of the story. We will also experiment with using linking words and phrases in compare-and-contrast writing.
Please pay for our upcoming field trip if you haven’t already! Reach out to your child’s teacher if you need the link to pay.