
2nd Grade Newsletter: 02/28/2025

Ask your 2nd Grader:

  • What was Martin Luther King’s dream for his children? What was his dream for the world?
  • Who is Ruby Bridges? 
  • Is happy an adjective or an adverb?
  • Can you find the adverb in the following sentence? The cat ran quickly.
  • What are the four parts of a pictograph?
  • What  is the difference between a want and a need?
  • What is a budget?


What 2nd Graders Are Learning Next Week:

 ELA (English Language Arts):

  • Wit and Wisdom Module 3: Civil Rights Heroes
    • Essential Question: How can people respond to injustice?
    • Learning Goals: 
      • Describe how repetition adds meaning to a song.
      • Analyze point of view in a text.
      • Distinguish shades of meaning among the related sets of verbs.
      • Determine the essential meaning of a text by rereading and answering questions.
      • Narrate an exploded moment.
      • Compare the effects of sentence variety to understand its purpose and importance. 
      • Describe how repeated words add meaning to a text.
      • Compare an important point from two texts.
      • Use a temporal word in narratives to signify a sequence of events.
      • Expand sentences by adding adjectives and adverbs depending on the word that is being modified. 


  • Tennessee Foundational Skills:
    • Review the different sounds for the ‘a’ spelling: /a/ as in hat, /ae/ as in paper, schwa sound as in about
    • Read words with different sounds for the ‘e’ spelling: /e/ as in left, /ee/ as in me/ schwa sound as in strategy
    • Read words with different sounds for the ‘o’ spelling: /o/ as in drop, /oe/ as in hotel, /u/ as in son
    • Sort sounds with the tricky spelling ‘o_e’: /oe/ as in hope, /u/ as in love
    • Review the tricky spelling ‘ou’: /ou/ as in shout, /u/ as in touch
    • Identify the present, past, and future tenses
    • Review subject and predicate
    • Ask and answer questions about key details in the student reader
    • Spelling words: turtle, bundle, pickle, shuffle, cattle, label, angel, gravel, jewel, fiction, education, inspection, motion, question, schwa (tricky word)



  • Data Analysis


Social Studies/Science (We will rotate between science and social studies every two weeks.):

  • Economics:
    • Budgeting


Dates to Remember:

  • March 3rd – Read-a-thon Reading Logs Due
  • March 7th – Book Character Day
  • March 7th – Half Day
  • March 10th-14th – Spring Break


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