Spring Auction 2025

Save the Date for our Spring Auction and Party!

March 29, 2025

This is one of our biggest fundraisers but is also so much fun. Besides the night of the auction that raises so much money for our school, getting involved in the planning is a blast. Email percypriestauction@gmail.com for more info on getting involved!

More information coming soon.

Support with sponsorship:

We’re looking for sponsors for our Auction Party. If your family or company can support us at the $500, $1,500, $3,000 or $5,000 level, we want to hear from you! All sponsor contributions include party tickets as well as great recognition at the party and throughout the school year.

Email the Auction Team (percypriestauction@gmail.com) now. Your support is so appreciated!

Auction Sponsors

"Dean's List" Sponsors

"Honor Roll" Sponsors

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