1st Grade News: 12/9
December 16: Winter Party/PJ Day with dismissal at 11:30am.
January 9: Students return to school from Winter Break.
What we are learning:
Science: Light Waves and Sound
TN Foundational Skills/Phonics: Blending, segmenting, tricky words, and decodable texts
Wit & Wisdom: Module 2 “Creature Features”
Focusing Question: “What lessons can we learn through stories about animals?”
Content Framing Question: What do I notice and wonder about “Sea Horse: The Shyest Fish in the Sea?”
Text: “Sea Horse: The Shyest Fish in the Sea”
Math: Unit 4 Numbers to 99
There will be no homework or spelling words for the week of December 16. Students are encouraged to read daily at home.