1st Grade News: 2/24
- February 24: Read-A-Thon begins at 8am. Read-A-Thon folders will be sent home.
- March 3: Pajama Day!
- March 8: Read-A-Thon ends at 3pm. Read-A-Thon logs need to be returned to school.
- March 10: Read-A-Thon Celebration Day!! Favorite Book Character Dress-Up Day!
- March 10: ½ day for students with 11:30am dismissal.
What we are learning:
- Social Studies: Studies Weekly 25 “A Family of Mixed Traditions”
- Science: The Structures of Plants and their Life Cycles
- TN Foundational Skills/Phonics: Blending, segmenting, tricky words, and decodable texts
- Wit & Wisdom: Module 3 Powerful Forces
- Text: “Feel the Wind”
- Focusing Question: How is wind a powerful force?
- Math: Length Measurements Within 120 units
- Spelling Words: jumping jars germ gem charged fringe magic plunge
- Tricky Words: away before
- Homework will be sent home Monday, February 27 and is due on Friday.