
1st Grade News: 4/2

Ask your first grader. . .
  • to tell you about the book Boxes for Katje.  (Where did it take place?  How would they describe the characters Katje and Rosie?)
  • what number is in the tens place in the number 73.
  • to solve 82-40, 47+6 and 64 + 18.  Have your child explain how he/she got the answer.
  • to tell you a synonym for dirty, friend, and beverage.
  • to tell you something he/she knows about stars.
​**Please check your child’s folder for the Spring Auction information.
**Mark your calendars.  Our next PTO meeting is April 13 starting at 6:30.
**Please continue the habit of reading with and to your child.  Each first grader should be reading independently for at least 20 minutes each day.
**We hope everyone enjoys their 3-day weekend!
Thank you so much for your help and support!
The First Grade Team
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