
1st Grade Newsletter: 02/13/2025

The only homework during Read-A-Thon for first grade is to read each night!

Please have your child spend extra time reading daily at home.

Dates to Remember…

  • February 17: No School for Students/PD Day for Teachers
  • February 18: Read-A-Thon Begins
  • February 21: Read-A-Thon PJ Day
  • February 23: Parnassus Spirit Night
  • February 25: Family Skate Night
  • February 27: Percy’s Reading Party/5:00-7:00PM
  • February 28: Navigator Day
  • March 4: Reading Logs Due
  • March 6: Fine Arts Night
  • March 7 Read-A-Thon Celebration/Book Character Dress Up Day ½ day for students with 11:30am dismissal

What We Are Learning:

Social Studies: Studies Weekly #11 “Presidents Day”

Spelling words: No spelling words during Read-A-Thon

Phonics: Blending, segmenting, tricky words, and decodable texts

Skills: Spelling Alternatives ‘p’ and ‘pp’ for /p/

Spelling Alternatives ‘b’and ‘bb’ for /b/;

Spelling Alternatives ‘c’, ‘k’, ‘cc’, and ‘ck’, for /k/;

Focusing Question: How do characters respond to the powerful force of the wind?

Science: Seasons and Patterns



Gilberto and the Wind; Marie Hall Ets

Owl at Home, “The Guest,” ArnoldMath: Place Value


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