2nd Grade News: 10/04/24
Ask your 2nd Grader:
- How does Sky Tree show the cycle of seasons?
- Why is revision important in writing?
- Where would the comma and quotation marks go in the following sentence? Aiden said I love to play basketball.
- Can you show me how you use an open number line to solve 57+38? Can you show me how you use an open number line to solve 86-59?
- What causes weathering? How is weathering different from erosion?
- How does sand form on beaches?
What 2nd Graders Are Learning Next Week:
ELA (English Language Arts):
- Wit and Wisdom Module 1: A Season of Change
- Essential Question: How does change impact people and nature?
- Learning Goals:
- Synthesize evidence from two texts in a verbal paragraph about how changes in fall impact people.
- Synthesize evidence from two texts in an informative paragraph about how changes in fall impact plants or animals.
- Revise draft using a checklist.
- Revise and publish an informative paragraph about how changes in fall impact plants or animals.
- Demonstrate understanding of module vocabulary by analyzing correct or incorrect word use in context.
Tennessee Foundational Skills:
- Read and write words with different spellings for /ae/ sound (‘a_e’ as in lake, ‘a’ as in paper, ‘ai’ as in rain, ‘ay’ as in day)
- Chain words with the /ae/ spellings (example: rain>brain>grain>gain>main>pain>paint>saint>taint)
- Read two syllable words that have the tricky ‘a’ spelling
- Ask and answer questions about key details in the a decodable text that incorporates the letter-sound correspondences taught
- Spelling words: sister, letter, expert, born, sports, short, mark, started, backyard, some
- Numbers on a Number Line
Social Studies/Science (We will rotate between science and social studies every two weeks.):
- Describe the fundamental principles of American democracy, including: equality, fair treatment for all, and respect for the property of others.
Dates to Remember:
- October 7th-11th: Fall Break
- October 22nd: Report Cards Issued
- October 23rd: Class Pictures and Individual Picture Retakes
- October 25th: Parent Teacher Conference Day (No School)
- October 31st: Harvest Parties