
2nd Grade News: 10/18/24

Ask your 2nd Grader:

  • Did you choose to write about how plants are impacted by changes in fall weather, or did you choose to write about how animals are impacted by the changes in fall weather for your End of Module Task? Can you explain how changes in weather impact plants or animals in fall?
  • What new spellings have you learned for the /ae/ (long a) sound? 
  • How can you use your knowledge of number lines in the real world?
  • How do you determine where to plot numbers on an open number line? Why is spacing important on a number line? 
  • Can you name and describe some landforms?


What 2nd Graders Are Learning Next Week:

 ELA (English Language Arts):

    • Wit and Wisdom Module 2: The American West
      • Essential Question: What was life like in the West for early Americans? 
      • Learning Goals:
        • Ask and answer questions about The Buffalo Are Back and “Buffalo Dusk”.
        • Understand and retell main topics and key events described in The Buffalo Are Back.
        • Describe relationships between people, plants, and animals in The Buffalo Are Back.
        • Use a known root word (settle) as a clue to the meaning of unknown words (settling, settler, settled). 
        • Distinguish shades of meaning among the related verbs wobbled, roamed, galloped, charged, and rushed.
  • Categorize academic words from The Buffalo Are Back into two categories to build an understanding of the word tough.
      • Understand and use topic-specific words and phrases in informative writing.
      • Identify words that are not topic-specific in a sentence and replace them with topic-specific words.


  • Tennessee Foundational Skills:
    • Read and write words with different spellings for /oe/ sound (‘o_e’ as in home, ‘oa’ as in boat, ‘oe’ as in toe, ‘o’ as in open)
    • Chain words with the /oe/ spellings
    • Decode two syllable words that have the tricky ‘o’ spelling
    • Review nouns
    • Ask and answer questions about key details in the a decodable text that incorporates the letter-sound correspondences taught
    • Spelling words: page, germ, digit, gray, space, face, cell, center, carpet, are



  • Numbers on a Number Line


Social Studies/Science (We will rotate between science and social studies every two weeks.):

  • Culture and Economics


Dates to Remember:

  • October 22nd: Report Cards Issued
  • October 23rd: Class Pictures and Individual Picture Retakes
  • October 25th: Parent Teacher Conference Day (No School)
  • October 31st: Harvest Parties


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