2nd Grade Newsletter: 11/15/2040
Ask your 2nd Grader:
- What happens in Journey of a Pioneer?
- What makes Journey of a Pioneer a narrative non-fiction text?
- What are some words that have the /ue/ sound (long u)? What is the spelling of /ue/ in each word?
- What are some words that have the /aw/ sound? What is the spelling of /aw/ in each word?
- What is an antonym for happy? What is a synonym for happy?
- How would you make the noun box plural?
- What strategy did you use to estimate the solution to word problems you solved this week? Why did you choose that strategy?
- What do you know about culture? Can you describe some aspects of your culture (beliefs, hobbies, traditions, cuisine, behavior, language, etc.)?
What 2nd Graders Are Learning Next Week:
ELA (English Language Arts):
- Wit and Wisdom Module 2: The American West
- Essential Question: What was life like in the West for early Americans?
- Learning Goals:
- Identify information in a narrative nonfiction text.
- Examine how specific words help indicate challenges and responses in a text.
- Explain the phrases and expressions jumping off, trains, make camp, and sitting watch.
- Collect evidence of challenges and responses in a text.
- Draft an informative paragraph with clearly explained details.
- Develop vocabulary knowledge of the word tragedy using a Frayer Model.
- Identify new knowledge gained from a text.
- Revise writing to more clearly explain ideas.
- Edit independent writing to ensure capitalization of holidays and geographic names.
- Tennessee Foundational Skills:
- Read and sort words with the /er/ sound (‘er’ as in her, ‘ur’ as in hurt, ‘ir’ as in bird)
- Identify proper nouns and common nouns
- Make singular nouns into plural nouns
- Read words with the new spelling for the /i/ sound (‘y’ as in myth)
- Read one syllable words with the ‘i’ spelling for the /ie/ sound (kind, mild, etc.)
- Read words with a new spelling for the /ie/ sound (‘igh’ as in night)
- Ask and answer questions about key details in the a decodable text that incorporates the letter-sound correspondences taught
- Spelling words: hawk, yawn, crawl, vault, haunted, causes, oil, spoiled, coin, cowboy, enjoy, destroy, moon, spool, cartoon
- Addition and Subtraction within 100
Social Studies/Science (We will rotate between science and social studies every two weeks.):
- Culture and Economics: Producers and Consumers, Goods and Services
Dates to Remember:
- November 25th-29th: Thanksgiving Break
- December 3rd: Field Trip to the TN State Museum
- December 6th: Navigator Day
- December 20th: Half Day of School
- December 23rd-January 8th: Winter Break
Additional Information:
- Our first second grade field trip will be on Tuesday, December 3rd. We are visiting the TN State Museum. Permission slips were sent home last week. Please return them as soon as possible. Additionally, the cost for the field trip is $5.00. Please go to schoolcashonline.com to complete payment.