
2nd Grade Newsletter: 12/13/2024

Ask your 2nd Grader:

  • What are some characteristics of a legend?
  • What is the problem in The Story of Johnny Appleseed? What is the resolution? Who are the characters? What is the setting?
  • What is the purpose of an introduction in an informative paragraph? How is an introduction different from a topic sentence? 
  • What are the different forms of the verb to be? What form is used in the following sentence? Sadie is a student at Percy Priest. 
  • How does a bar model or tape diagram help you make sense of a word problem? How is a model different from a strategy? 
  • How can estimation help us know if an answer to a word problem is correct or incorrect? 
  • How does sound travel through the air? 


What 2nd Graders Are Learning Next Week:

 ELA (English Language Arts):

  • Wit and Wisdom Module 2: The American West
    • Essential Question: What was life like in the West for early Americans? 
    • Learning Goals:
      • Comprehend and recount what happens in The Story of Johnny Appleseed.
      • Determine the lesson of The Story of Johnny Appleseed and support it with key details.
      • Comprehend and recount what happens in Johnny Appleseed.
      • Compare and contrast two versions of Johnny Appleseed.
      • Experiment with using a digital publishing tool.
      • Craft an informative paragraph using a digital bookmaking tool.
      • Improve the use of digital tools for informative writing.
      • Identify and sort regular and irregular past-tense verbs.
      • With support, form and use the past tense of frequently occurring irregular verbs.
      • Form and use the past tense of frequently occurring irregular verbs in writing. 
      • Use context clues and a Frayer Model to develop vocabulary knowledge of the word shelter.
      • Vary inflection to improve meaning in a discussion of the legend of Johnny Appleseed. 
      • Describe knowledge and skills gained from reading and comparing texts about the legend of Johnny Appleseed. 
      • Identify and explain the purpose of collective nouns.


  • Tennessee Foundational Skills:
    • Review
    • Spelling words: no spelling words next week



  • Addition and Subtraction within 100


Social Studies/Science (We will rotate between science and social studies every two weeks.):

  • Holidays Around the World


Dates to Remember:

  • December 20th: Half Day of School
  • December 23rd-January 7th: Winter Break
  • January 8th – 3rd Quarter Begins (Students Return)


Additional Information:

  • Dress-up spirit days next week:
    • Wednesday, December 18th – Red Day
    • Thursday, December 19th – Green Grinch Day
    • Friday, December 20th – Pajama Day


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