
2nd Grade News 4/28

Ask your 2nd Grader: Who is Ruby Bridges? How did she respond to injustice? What is a run-on sentence? How can you correct a run-on sentence? Can you put the…

Kindergarten News 4/28

Hello Families! We began our student of the continents- specifically Asia and Europe this week. We’re continuing to practice reading with automaticity and fluency. In math, we are building fluency…

3rd Grade Newsletter 4/28

Skills for May 1-5 ELA: A New Home Central Text: The Keeping Quilt Students use the broad understanding of immigration they gain in this module as a backdrop for their…

1st Grade News 4/28

May 2: Nashville Public Library Puppet Truck – Tomas 8:30am May 2: The café will be serving tacos and other Mexican food. This will be for students who would like…

PTO Newsletter 4/28

Monday marks the beginning of the month of May and we are getting the last month of school off to a great start with Teacher Appreciation Week! Room parents have…

Want to Volunteer?

Are you looking for ways to get involved with our wonderful school? Please check out the many volunteer opportunities in the link below for small and big ways to help…

PTO Newsletter 4/21

We can hardly believe that there are only 5 weeks of school left until the end of the school year! There is still plenty of fun to be had, from…

First Grade News: 4/21

May 5: Field Day 9:30am-12pm/Parents are welcome to attend. May 9: Field Day Rain Date 9:30am-12pm/Parents are welcome to attend. May 19: Spring Sing 9:00am/Parents are welcome to attend. What…

Kindergarten News: 4/21

Hello Families! We wrapped up our study of American history. We explored changes America has seen over the years. Each student wrote an informative paragraph with six sentences! We’ve worked…

2nd Grade News: 4/21

Ask your 2nd Grader: Why does Martin Luther King Jr. say let freedom ring so many times in his I Have a Dream speech? Why do authors use repetition? What…

PTO Newsletter 4/14

The sun came out on Percy Priest’s Drama Club’s performance of “Annie” this week.  Two performances of acting, singing, hard work and new friendships for many students.  We are so…

2nd Grade News: 4/14

Ask your 2nd Grader: What was Martin Luther King Jr.’s dream for the world? How is that different from a dream you have when you’re sleeping? What are some key…

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