
3rd Grade News: 11/11

Skills for November 14-18: ELA: Outer Space Central Text: Starry Messenger Through a mixture of powerful prose, elegant illustrations, and quotations, students discover Galileo’s brilliance was we read Peter Sis’s…

PTO Newsletter 11/11

Happy Veterans Day and a big thank you to the men and women who have served or are currently serving our country.  Your service does not go unnoticed and the…

Thank You Grandfriends!

Dear Grandparents and GrandFriends, Thank you for taking time to be with us last Thursday and Friday. Hopefully, seeing your grandchild and special friend at school will want to make…

2nd Grade News: 11/4

Ask your 2nd Grader: – What are some of the spellings for the /ie/ sound (the long i sound)? – How many inches are in a foot? What is 3…

3rd Grade News: 11/4

Skills for November 7-11: ELA: Outer Space Central Text: Starry Messenger Skills: Analyze the use of nonliteral language to support a main idea. Identify the introduction, body and concluding paragraphs…

Kindergarten News: 11/4

Hello Families! We concluded our study of the five senses. We can identify and describe each sense, use text evidence to support our answers, form questions about books we read,…

PTO Newsletter 11/4

It was an epic week at Percy Priest, with hundreds of visitors for our fabulous GrandFriends Days, incredible attendance at our inaugural Percy’s Reading Party (a smashing success!), lots of…

3rd Grade News: 10/28

Skills for October 31-November 4: ELA: Outer Space Central Text: Starry Messenger Skills: – Examine the function of adjectives in sentences. – Identify important facts about Galileo, based on a…

Kindergarten News: 10/28

Hello Families! We are finishing up our study of the five senses. We’ve dug deep into each sense and learned so much! We continued our study of two dimensional shapes-…

2nd Grade News: 10/28

Ask your 2nd Grader: – What are some of the spellings for the /oe/ sound (the long o sound)? – How many centimeters are in a meter? – Which words…

PTO Newsletter 10/28

Sending festive greetings to all of you this Halloween season.  Isn’t it spooky we are almost finished with October? We want to thank Harry Allen, a PPE parent, for being…

Happy Grandfriends Day!

Hello, Percy Priest Elementary Family & Friends! We are so excited that GrandFriends’ Day is just around the corner and want to be sure you have all of the details….

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