
2nd Grade News: 2/23

Ask your 2nd Grader: What are three topic-specific words (vocabulary words) you learned in Module 2 (The American West) of Wit and Wisdom? Can you use the words in a…

2nd Grade News: 2/16

Ask your 2nd Grader: What are some of the similarities and differences between the two versions of John Henry? What is the lesson of the stories of John Henry? What…

2nd Grade News: 2/9

Ask your 2nd Grader: What makes the story John Henry: An American Legend a legend? What is a contraction? Where does the apostrophe go in a contraction? What two words…

2nd Grade News: 2/2

Ask your 2nd Grader: What did you learn about the Lunar New Year? What are some traditions associated with the Lunar New Year? To alphabetize the following words (prairie, west,…

2nd Grade News: 1/26

Ask your 2nd Grader: What life lesson did you learn from the story of Johnny Appleseed? What were some similarities between the Aliki version of Johnny Appleseed and the Kellogg…

2nd Grade News: 1/12

Ask your 2nd Grader: What are some characteristics of a legend? What is a regular past-tense verb? What is an irregular past-tense verb? What are some examples of both? What…

2nd Grade News: 12/15

Ask your 2nd Grader: What does the word sacrifice mean? How did the main character in The Legend of the Bluebonnet sacrifice for her people? What is an adverb? Can…

2nd Grade News: 12/8

Ask your 2nd Grader: What sound does the y make in myth? What are some other words that have a y that makes the /i/ sound? How do you make…

3rd Grade News: 12/1

Hello Families, We hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving holiday! ELA- We will begin reading Moonshot, and start learning about Apollo 11.  We will focus on the difference between fact…

2nd Grade News: 12/1

Ask your 2nd Grader: What do you know about capitalization? How can it change the meaning of a sentence? What addition and subtraction strategies have you learned this week? Which…

2nd Grade News: 11/17

Ask your 2nd Grader: What is something new you learned about the Plains Indians? What do you know about their nomadic lifestyle? Which animal did Plains Indians depend on to…

2nd Grade News: 11/10

Ask your 2nd Grader: Why are topic-specific words important? What are some connections you made in The Buffalo Are Back? How did the American Indians, the settlers, and the Roosevelt…

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