3rd Grade News: 1/13
Skills for January 17-20: ELA: Outer Space Central Text: One Giant Leap Students build a depth of knowledge, noticing how different authors emphasize different elements of the mission and discovering…
Skills for January 17-20: ELA: Outer Space Central Text: One Giant Leap Students build a depth of knowledge, noticing how different authors emphasize different elements of the mission and discovering…
Skills for December 12-16: ELA: Outer Space Central Text: Moonshot Students learn about the courage and joy of the Apollo 11 astronauts through two accounts of the famous mission: One…
Skills for December 5-9: ELA: Outer Space Central Text: Moonshot Students learn about the courage and joy of the Apollo 11 astronauts through two accounts of the famous mission: One…
Skills for November 14-18: ELA: Outer Space Central Text: Starry Messenger Through a mixture of powerful prose, elegant illustrations, and quotations, students discover Galileo’s brilliance was we read Peter Sis’s…
Skills for November 7-11: ELA: Outer Space Central Text: Starry Messenger Skills: Analyze the use of nonliteral language to support a main idea. Identify the introduction, body and concluding paragraphs…
Skills for October 31-November 4: ELA: Outer Space Central Text: Starry Messenger Skills: – Examine the function of adjectives in sentences. – Identify important facts about Galileo, based on a…
Skills for October 24-27: ELA: The Sea Students will write a multi-paragraph essay explain why scientists explore the sea. Central Texts: Amos & Boris, The Fantastic Undersea Life of Jacques…
Skills for October 3-6: ELA: The Sea Students learn more about scientific exploration of the sea by reading Giant Squid: Searching for a Sea Monster, which describes Dr. Roper’s scientific…
Skills for September 26-30: ELA: The Sea Students gain basic information about the dangers of sharks and learn to identify a main idea and supporting details in a chapter, using…
Students examine two of ocean’s most fascinating creatures, sharks and the giant squid, in two more informational texts. Skills for September 19-23: ELA: The Sea Central Text: Shark Attack! By…
Students will learn how scientists explore the sea. They will read an illustrated biography that portrays the joy and wonder that compelled Jacques Cousteau to spend his life exploring the…
Students will learn how scientists explore the sea. They will read an illustrated biography that portrays the joy and wonder that compelled Jacques Cousteau to spend his life exploring the…