
GrandFriends News & Updates

Dear GrandFriends:

I hope each of you had a wonderful holiday with family and special friends. I know I enjoyed having my 6 grandchildren the week after Christmas and am looking forward to the arrival of my 7th grandchild.

But enough about ME… HAVE I GOT SOME NEWS! I hope you are sitting down, hold onto your heart!!

Thanks to each of you, our GrandFriends raised an unprecedented amount of money for Percy Priest School this fall. I am so thankful for the staff at Percy Priest, for the work they do with our special little ones. I am so thankful that each of you believe how important this school is and have of yourself to support your little one(s).

I also wanted to be sure you know about events this spring at the school where families are invited. Please mark your calendars and come as you are able. Your grandchildren will have details about these to share as the dates approach:

  • March 4 – Spring Auction
  • March 23 – Math Night
  • April 21 – Tiger Tennis Social
  • May 12 – Spring Picnic
  • May 19 – Spring Sing

Take care, enjoy each day and I will hopefully see you again soon.

Once again, you have my deepest gratitude for your gifts.


Vicki Markham
Grandparent Liaison

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