PTO Newsletter 12/20/24
As we wrap up this first half of fantastic school year, PTO leadership wants to say a huge THANK YOU to all of our board members, event and committee chairs, all of the parent volunteers who have chipped in, and to all of the families who have been involved. From back-to-school celebrations, to meeting our incredible INVEST goals, and showing your support through being involved, we are so grateful. We have big things planned for this amazing community for the second half so have a great winter break and we will see you in 2025!
Important Dates
Note: Dates are subject to change. The BEST way to stay updated is with our PTO Google Calendar – view and subscribe here!
- December 20: Half Day (Dismissal at 11:30am)
- December 23 – Jan 7: No School (Winter Break)
- January 8: School Resumes
- January 17: Coffee & Learn (about PTO Leadership opportunities)
- January 20: No School (Martin Luther King Jr Holiday)
- January 21: General PTO Meeting (all welcome!)
- January 30: Talent Show Part I
- January 31: Navigator Day
- January 31: Talent Show Part II
Upcoming Community and Fundraiser Events
Talent Show Sign Ups – Sign Up by December 21!
- January 30: 2nd & 3rd grade performances *** NOTE NEW DATE!!!!
- January 31: 4th & 5th grade performances
- Feb 7: Snow date
- Any student in grades 2-5th
- Sign up HERE by December 16
- Students will prepare their act during winter break.
- The week of performances, students will be required to attend a dress rehearsal before the big night!
- Questions? Email AKPONS@GMAIL.COM
- VOLUNTEERS NEEDED! Sign up HERE (and YES you will be able to watch your kiddo perform!)
Spring Auction: March 29th at Richland Country Club
Save the date for the best night in the Spring to have a ball. There will be music, food, dancing and fun items to bid on to help support our school.
Auction Volunteers Needed!
It’s time to get working on the biggest party of the year – the Percy Priest Spring Auction – and we need your help NOW! Join the Auction Committee to get our incredible catalog of silent auction items secured. It’s an easy job you can do from home, and we’ll provide you with contact information plus scripts for calling/emailing potential and repeat donors. The more people we have contributing their time to this important PTO fundraiser, the easier the task! Please email
General Announcements
Are you a PPE alum? Know some friends and family who are? We are planning some alumni activities around saying goodbye to our current building and are looking for volunteers to help plan. Want to get involved? Email Melissa Hood ( to see how you can help.
Next year will be a big year in a new building so we are starting to look for interested leaders early. Terms start in July and there are great ways to get involved! Email us anytime ( with questions or interest, or join us for coffee to learn more: January 17, 10am, Hill Center Starbucks.
- Vice President
- Asst. Treasurer
- Secretary
- Fundraising Chair
- Community Events Chair
- Back to School Committee Chair
- Songwriter’s Night Chair
- Roar Store support
- and more!
Community Talents, Skills, and Businesses
We love our PPE community and know that supporting each other is what makes our school incredible. Our parents, alumni, caregivers, and special friends have such amazing skills and talents, and even dedicate their time to nurturing and growing their own businesses. If you are interested in sharing your skills, talents, or business information, so that the greater PPE community may support you or use those skills, let us know! After you fill out this simple form, stay tuned – we will help spread the word or contact you with opportunities to use your skills or talents in a meaningful way that benefits the PPE community.

GET EXCITED… changes coming!
Our construction corner will switch to the “new building updates corner” in the new year and will be a source of updates, timelines, FAQs, ways to get involved, and more.
For now – here are the latest pictures of progress!
Get Involved!

Come Have Lunch!
Parents, grandparents and special friends are welcome to eat lunch with students! To help us with space and accommodating guests, we ask that visitors sign-up to come eat lunch using the bookings link below. Please be sure to select the correct grade level and teacher. When signing-up, we also ask that you only sign-up for one day at this time. Thank you for your help and we hope to see you for lunch soon. Sign up to come eat lunch with your student!
Grandparents and Special Friends Email List
We know there are many grandparents, family and special friends of PPE students who would like to be involved. You can keep up with the latest news by signing up for the PPE Grandparents, Family & Friends List here.
Small Fundraisers Spotlight
For a list of all of our ongoing small fundraisers, please visit our Small Fundraisers webpage.
Signature Nail – Give back to PPE while you pamper!
Mention PPE when you make an appointment and 5% of that purchase and future purchases will go back to the PTO.
How to Stay Connected
Email Lists
New families – Be sure to sign up for our school newsletter, which includes grade-level information each week. Register today.
Add PPE happenings to your calendar automatically!
You can subscribe to our PTO calendar and have all of our events show up on your calendar, so you never lose track of important dates! Following the links below will prompt you to subscribe to the calendar via your preferred calendar app. Any time the PTO updates an event through the website, it will update on the calendar of all subscribers (how often your calendar pulls updated info will be based on your individual personal settings – every 5 minutes, 1 hour, 1 week, etc).
For Calendar Apps (apple calendar etc), click here.
For Google Calendar, click here.