PTO Newsletter 2/9
Next week is all about LOVE. We are getting ready for a full week of love, treats and hearts for our PPE Staff. Next week starts our Teacher Appreciation Week and we can’t wait to show them how much they mean to us! We have lots of ways you can help make their week special. You are invited to join your child in their classroom on Wednesday for their Valentine’s themed classroom parties. Please reach out to your child’s room parent if you have any questions about Teacher Appreciation Week or Valentines Parties.
Tickets to our Spring Auction are LIVE and going fast! Don’t miss the best Spring PPE Party and get ready to Boogie! We have our Used Book Sale, Percy’s Reading Party and more happening at PPE. Scroll down for information about how to support all these efforts and stay tuned for more details about the events in Friday folders in the next couple of weeks!
Percy Priest Elementary Intent Form 2024-2025
If you haven’t already, please fill out this Survey to help our school update records for the 2024-2025 school year. The survey will only take a moment and please fill out for each student currently attending Percy Priest. This is non-binding, but it is helpful information for our budget and planning.
Gym Update:
We sent out an email this week updating you on the status of fundraising for our gym. If you didn’t receive it or need to read it again, please click HERE.
Important Dates
- February 8 Last day to order Sugar Drop Cookie kits for Valentine’s Day (Pick-up 2/9)
- February 12-16– Teacher Appreciation Week
- February 13– PTO General Meeting at 6:00 pm
- February 14 – Valentine’s Day Class Parties (parents welcomed)
- February 15– Papa John’s Spirit Night
- February 19- President’s Day (no school)
- February 23-March 4– Readathon
- February 20 – Storyteller Series: Mr. Lincoln
- February 20– Family Skate Night-Brentwood Skate Center
- February 20-22 – Used Book Sale
- February 23– Parnassus Book’s Spirit Night
- February 29 – Percy’s Reading Party
- March 2 – Spring Auction Party-Loveless Barn
- March 4– Readathon ends and reading logs are due
- March 5– No school
- March 5 -Chill-N Nitrogen Ice Cream Spirit Night
- March 8– Book Character Dress Up Day
Field Trips
- February 9– 3rd Grade Field Trip-Huntsville Space Center
- February 22– Kindergarten and First Grade Field Trip-TPAC
Upcoming Events
Auction Party Tickets On Sale Now!!
Studio 24 auction party is in 3 weeks! Make sure you reserve your tickets for Saturday night before they sell out. Scan above or visit here.
Auction Volunteers Needed!
We still need a host for the 4th grade boys grade-level party and help with kid baskets to auction off. Not sure what is involved? We are here to support and guide you. Please sign up here or email
Silent Auction Sneak Peek!
Has your kid ever wanted to take an intro flight into the sky with a pilot? What about being a PPE Principal for a Day?
Calling all sports fans!!
Bid on a Peyton Manning signed UT football jersey, a Nick Saban signed football, a Candace Parker signed basketball jersey, a Lane Kiffin signed football or two tickets to any season Titans game lower-level seats.
Support with sponsorship:
We’re looking for a few more sponsors for Studio 24. If your family or company can support us, we want to hear from you! Email Julia Stoll Saitta ( or purchase a sponsorship here
Join the auction party committee:
Email Katie Mehaffey if interested in helping with party related tasks!
Used Book Sale – February 20-22 – Donations and Volunteers Needed!
Thank you for all the books you have donated so far! We have so many great books already- readers for kindergartners, Dog-Man, Magic Treehouse, Wings of Fire, Harry Potter, etc. Set the reminders in your phone to send money with your child on February 20-22 before all the good books are gone! Books are $1 each and on the 22nd, the books are buy one get one free!
We will be accepting book donations until February 16th that are appropriate for Kindergarteners through 5th graders, and there is always a need for chapter books.
This event will happen about a week ahead of the Read-A-Thon so the kids will get excited and have “new” books to read. Donation bins will be on the PPE front steps in January and February.
Sign up to volunteer during the sale here:
Please reach out to Gillian Stewart or Avery Van Pelt with any questions.
Teacher Appreciation Week-February 12-16
We are excited to show our teachers some love during Valentine’s week! We have multiple opportunities for you to be involved in showing appreciation to the whole staff.
Appreciation Station:
There will be a large box in the entrance of the school for parents and students to drop off cards for teachers and staff. This is a great way to thank teachers and staff that aren’t classroom teachers.
On Monday the 12th, we are providing breakfast, and need some volunteers to supply the food. Please sign up to bring items, which you can drop off either at Jamie’s house the night before or at the school by 7:15 on Monday.
A big THANK YOU to the Bishop Family for providing our PPE staff with Hattie B’s for lunch one day.
Treat Cart:
Each month, we put together a treat cart for the teachers and staff. We fill the carts with drinks and snacks and take them around to each of the classrooms. It is a small way we can show our appreciation, and the teachers love it! For Teacher Appreciation Week, we are inviting the whole school to participate in a Treat Cart on Friday, February 16th! You can help with this by signing up to bring treats or to help take the cart around to the classrooms. Items can be brought on the 16th during morning drop-off, and cart duty is from 7:40-9:00.
If you have any questions, please reach out to the Hospitality Chairs:
Jamie Kuhlman: 901-483-5942 and Vicki Lubnik: 615-497-7960
Percy’s Reading Party-February 29th 5:30-7:30pm
Save the Date for Percy’s Reading Party on February 29th, 2024 from 5:30pm to 7:30pm in the PPE Cafe and Library. Let’s LEAP into reading and word games, a storybook walk, and a special storytime in celebration of the ReadAThon and the love of reading. We can’t wait to see you there!
Tiger Tennis Social – April 12
Mark your calendars for the 3rd Annual Tiger Tennis Social! On Friday, April 12nd (Rain Date April 26th), we’ll gather for tennis, fun, a tasty lunch and light cocktails. All skill levels will have fun; just bring a racquet! More information to come!

YEARBOOK colorful vector typography banner
PPE Families, we need your help with yearbook photo submissions!! Submit your photos online TODAY by logging into *When uploading, you will be asked for a photo description, but instead, we ask that you list the first and last names of the students in the photo (if it’s a group, you can just identify the class or grade).
If you have any issues or questions, contact or Thanks for helping to make the yearbook a special keepsake for our sweet kids and school!
Small Fundraisers
*Please select “Store Pickup” so you don’t have a shipping charge. Cookie kits will be given out on February 9th.
Family Skate Night- February 20
Join us for Family Skate Night on Tuesday, February 20 from 4:30 pm-7:00 pm!!
Brentwood Skate Center
402 Wilson Pike Cir, Brentwood, TN 37027
Admission fee: $8.00
Skate fee: $4.00
Entry fee for non-skating adults: $3.00
(A percentage of all admission fees goes back to the PPE PTO.)
General Announcements
PTO General Meeting-February 13th at 6:00 pm
Are you interested in learning more about how reading develops? Have you ever had concerns about your child’s reading or spelling, and wondered what is developmentally appropriate or how you can support your child? Do you understand how our MNPS universal screeners relate to dyslexic characteristics, or what we will do to support your child if a screener indicates a need? If you are interested in learning more, then please attend our next PTO Meeting on February 13, 2024. Terri McConnell, one of our reading interventionists, will be sharing this information. There will also be a time for questions.
Thank you all for the sweet notes and messages this week; it’s been a memorable School Counselor Appreciation Week for us! As part of the celebration, we’re happy to announce a new PPE resource: Counselor’s Corner. For now, you’ll find our previous Parenting Series events. Please stay tuned as the Counselor’s Corner grows in the coming months!
Sincerely, Ms. Baxter & Ms. K-B
Counselor’s Corner – Percy Priest Elementary
A Message from PPE’s Advocacy Center
In lessons with Mrs. Tanner this week Kindergarten through 2nd grade students learned the value of positivity and optimism, as well as how they can rewire their brains. They learned simple things they can easily do to spread positivity to others.
3rd through 5th grade students learned about their brain’s negativity bias and the amazing neuroplasticity of their brains. They learned why it is so much better to seek out the glimmers in life rather than the triggers and participated in some amazing glimmer-ful art.
Watch for more information about these lessons and the books used on Instagram @percypriestadvocacy!
Green Tip from the Green Team
Celebrate Valentine’s Day sustainably by purchasing fair trade or recyclable cards, or consider making your own. Gift a living plant instead of flowers or an experience such as a visit to a museum or cooking your Valentine’s favorite meal.
Clorox Wipes and Lysol Needed
The Cafe is in need of some clorox wipes and lysol to keep surfaces in the lunchroom and front off clean. If you are interested in dropping some off to the front office, it would be most appreciated.
MNPS Kindergarten Registration
Kindergarten Registration for the 2024-25 school year will kick off on Monday, January 30th. If you or someone you know has an incoming kindergartner, please encourage them to complete registration as early as possible. For information regarding enrollment requirements, please visit
PPE Kindergarten Readiness Camp: July 9-10 REGISTRATION OPEN
Calling all Rising Kindergarten girls and boys for 2024-2025 school year. Save the Date for July 9-10 for our Kindergarten Readiness Camp. You can register HERE!
Join Mrs. Murray Dick & Mrs. Amy Patterson to get a “Sneak Peek” at a day in the life of a kindergartner! Your child will have the opportunity to meet new friends, engage in hands-on learning experiences, Tour the school, playground, visit ‘kinder’ classrooms, and so much more! Registration coming soon!
For any further questions regarding Kindergarten, please contact
Come Have Lunch!
Parents, grandparents and special friends are welcome to eat lunch with students! To help us with space and accommodating guests, we ask that visitors sign-up to come eat lunch using the bookings link below. Please be sure to select the correct grade level and teacher. When signing-up, we also ask that you only sign-up for one day at this time. Thank you for your help and we hope to see you for lunch soon. Sign up to come eat lunch with your student!
How to Volunteer
We need your help to make next year the best year yet at Percy Priest! Dedicated and engaged parents are a key ingredient to making our school the great school that it is. There are big and small volunteer opportunities throughout the year. Please check out our volunteer form and let us know what things interest you. We’ll be in touch with more information.
If you have questions of any kind, please contact us at Thank you!
Small Fundraisers Spotlight
For a list of all of our ongoing small fundraisers, please visit our Small Fundraisers webpage.
Publix Partners will donate $250 to the Percy Priest Elementary PTO for every $37,500 spent cumulatively by our school’s participants. To support Percy Priest, join Club Publix. If you’re already a member, log in to your account and select My Publix Partner to search for the school of your choice. Remember to pay with the Publix app or enter your phone number at checkout each time you make an eligible purchase. Parents do have to re-register annually.
How to Stay Connected
Email Lists
New families – Be sure to sign up for our school newsletter, which includes grade-level information each week. Register today.
Add PPE happenings to your calendar automatically!
You can subscribe to our PTO calendar and have all of our events show up on your calendar, so you never lose track of important dates! Following the links below will prompt you to subscribe to the calendar via your preferred calendar app. Any time the PTO updates an event through the website, it will update on the calendar of all subscribers (how often your calendar pulls updated info will be based on your individual personal settings – every 5 minutes, 1 hour, 1 week, etc).
For Calendar Apps (apple calendar etc), go to
For Google Calendar, go to
Social Media
Join us on Facebook
Join us on Instagram