PTO Newsletter 8/23
Another great week at our amazing school is in the books. A special congrats to 5th grade students who got to perform “Every Student Known”, the MNPS song, at the PENCIL Foundation back to school breakfast. Thank you to our new incredible music teacher Danielle Taylor, for bringing this wonderful opportunity to our community!
The INVEST Campaign is off to an incredible start. Thank you to our community who have supported our school so far – you can find more information on INVEST here and below.
Important Dates
Note: Dates are subject to change. The BEST way to stay updated is with our PTO Google Calendar – view and subscribe here!
- August 30: Navigator Day
- September 2: No School (Labor Day)
- September 5: Picture Day Part 1 (Individual Photos)
- September 9: Tiger Cup Golf Tournament at Old Natchez
- September 17: PTO General Meeting (all welcome!)
- September 19: Percy’s Vintage Closet
- September 20: Fall Community Event: Topping-Out Ceremony and Ice Cream Social
- September 27: Navigator Day
- October 2: Songwriter’s Night
Upcoming Community and Fundraiser Events
September 9: Tiger Cup Golf Tournament – REGISTRATION IS NOW OPEN!
Percy Priest PTO’s Tiger Cup Golf Tournament is Monday, September 9th at Old Natchez Country Club in Franklin and registration is now open. Enjoy 18 holes of golf with PPE friends, family and/or neighbors. Register individually or with your foursome by Clicking Here to Register Registration for this year’s event will close on Sunday, August 25th.
We need you!!! We need you not only to participate, but also to sponsor this fabulous event which directly supports our children, their teachers, and the school. Funds raised from this event will support enrichment, extracurriculars and teacher supplies throughout the school year. Learn more about how you can support PPE by clicking on Sponsorship Opportunities here Not only does this give back to our wonderful school, but also is a great way to advertise your business. We would like all sponsors committed by Friday, August 30th to ensure all printing is complete by the date of the event. Please sign up today!
Mamas and Mimosas
Ladies ~ Not a golfer but want to learn more? Back again this year is Mamas and Mimosas, a group lesson at 10 am with several ONCC golf pros who will share tips on basic golf terminology, putting, driving and more. Enjoy a drink (or two), some fabulous bites and a spectacular view while you learn about this great game. Max capacity for this is 20 people so please register today by Clicking Here!
Volunteer Opportunities
Can’t commit to the entire day? That’s ok – consider volunteering at the event or helping with prep by contacting jennifercjones2@
~Jennifer Jones and Ashley Tummins, Co-Chairs
Pre-loved PPE Attire Needed (by September 13)!
It is that time of year- time to clean out your Tiger’s closet before school starts! From now until September 13th, we will be accepting gently used clothing items or accessories that have PPE’s logo for our “Percy’s Vintage Closet” sale on September 19 (conveniently after drop off from 7:30-9)! Anything you’d like to pass on to another Tiger, please drop off on the school’s front porch. Look for the marked plastic bins that say “Pre-loved PPE attire” and we’ll take it from there. Thank you!
September 20: Fall Community Event
Save the date for a very unique back to school community event! Due to construction we need to get creative with our annual fall community event. But thanks to construction we can combine our annual fall gathering with the “Topping Out” Ceremony for an exciting experience. A Topping Out Ceremony is a celebration of a big milestone in construction. It is the celebration for the “top” of the building structure being completed. In our case, since the gym is the last sequence of construction we will have completed installing all of the roof structure of this area by September 20th.
We will all meet at PPE for fun, community, an ice cream bar with lots of toppings (get it?!), and to experience this cool ceremony.
More details will be coming soon!
October 2: Songs Under the Stars – Tickets on Sale NOW!
Grab your tickets to this amazing event – a great line up and a great cause! Tickets normally sell out. Note that to park a vehicle at Dyer you must have a valet ticket but these are limited – grab your tickets today!
We have several opportunities for sponsorship, we would love to promote your business while supporting Percy Priest! Reach out to Rachel Schultz percypriestsongwriters@gmail.
General Announcements

First Day Forms: due August 30
At the beginning of each school year, we send home several documents that MNPS requires parents and caregivers to review, sign and return. These forms have been sent home and need to be returned to homeroom teachers by August 30th.
Parents must also complete certain required MNPS forms online through the MNPS “Permissions Portal”. To do so, visit the MNPS Student-Parent Handbook page. Scroll halfway down the page and you will see the “Permission Forms” section and a blue button to the right that says “Permissions Portal”. Click there to begin.

Does your child LOVE games of all kinds? If they do, then check out Game Club hosted by Mr. and Mrs. Tanner! Game Club is a time for students to engage in games of all kinds: video games (including vintage consoles), card games, board games, and whole group games. If your child enjoys group participation and playing and learning new games with others, this will be a great fit!
You may choose from Wednesdays or Thursdays and we meet from 3:00-4:00opm beginning the week of Labor Day. Game Club fills up fast, so please fill out the interest form BEFORE WEDNESDAY AUGUST 28th. Once rosters are set, we will follow up with a registration email with more details and information. We are looking forward to a great Fall semester! AK & Brad Tanner
Builders Club
Builders Club is an after-school activity for K-2nd grade students filled with problem solving, imagination, self-expression, math skills, spatial sense and motor abilities, creativity, and social and emotional growth. The Fall Session with Ms.Faison and Ms.Wall begins in September. *10 Sessions: Tuesdays or Thursdays after school till 4:00. More info and enrollment form here!
Chess Program
The PPE Chess Program will begin on Wednesday, September 4th. The flyer with details on registration, times and additional information will be in today’s Friday folder. For any questions, please contact Coach Igor at
Recycle your yard signs!
Help the Green Tigers implement more sustainability practices at PPE. If you choose, there will be a bin at the front steps next week, to collect the Kindergarten Welcome signs. If your child is a bus rider or the sign is tricky for them to bring in, e-mail and we will arrange for the sign to be picked up.
PPE Cross Country Team
September 28: Run for Dyslexia – Join the PPE Team!
Going the extra mile so our children can read. On Saturday September 28th, the 2024 Music City Run for Dyslexia will lead participants along a certified 5K and 10K course along the Cumberland River and through Shelby Bottoms, one of Nashville’s most beautiful (and shaded!) greenways. In addition, a 1 Mile Dyslexia Dash will be offered for all ages and ability. The event is hosted by Learning Matters, a non-profit organization that exists to help K-12 students with dyslexia and other learning disabilities reach their academic and human potential by providing equitable access to the highest quality assessment, tutoring, and advocacy.
Join a great cause and support a local organization and cause that impacts many of our Tigers – and have fun at the same time! Learn more about the run here and join the PPE team here. See you there!
Yearbook: send in photos!
Help us capture this amazing school year! Throughout the year, please send any Percy Priest pictures you would like added to the yearbook to Grace Bryan (615-804-5514) or Gillian Stewart (615-598-7854). Please include all grades and names of people in the picture. We would love photos from class parties, first day of school, lunch, field trips, etc.
We’re a UniCycle School! UniCycle is a school uniform recycling program that collects and distributes “outgrown, not worn out” items to MNPS students. Together, we’re giving outgrown school clothing a second life, removing barriers to education, and creating community in our schools.
What should you bring in for the collection basket? Any clothing that meets dress code requirements! Clean out closets– it will all be put to use by students citywide who will start their day with comfort and confidence. Find our bin in the front foyer!
Be a Substitute Teacher!
Have you ever thought about being a substitute teacher and making a unique impact on our school? Whether it’s supporting our incredible students in the classroom, assisting in the cafeteria, or lending a hand in the library, your involvement as a substitute is invaluable. To learn more about requirements and pay visit this website.
Get Involved!

Come Have Lunch!
Parents, grandparents and special friends are welcome to eat lunch with students! To help us with space and accommodating guests, we ask that visitors sign-up to come eat lunch using the bookings link below. Please be sure to select the correct grade level and teacher. When signing-up, we also ask that you only sign-up for one day at this time. Thank you for your help and we hope to see you for lunch soon. Sign up to come eat lunch with your student!
Grandparents and Special Friends Email List
We know there are many grandparents, family and special friends of PPE students who would like to be involved. You can keep up with the latest news by signing up for the PPE Grandparents, Family & Friends List here.
2024-2025 School Year Volunteers Needed
Can you help out this year? There are so many ways to volunteer, both big and small and WE NEED YOU. It is incredibly rewarding to get involved in the PTO so start here by indicating how you want to help volunteer.
Check out the latest updates of our new school coming along!
Small Fundraisers Spotlight
For a list of all of our ongoing small fundraisers, please visit our Small Fundraisers webpage.
Help us raise money by shopping Minted all year long! You’ll get 20% off beautiful Minted products (excluding fine art prints) and Minted will donate 15% of the proceeds from every order back to us. Use our code FUNDRAISEPERCYPRIEST at checkout. Thank you so much for your support!
How to Stay Connected
Email Lists
New families – Be sure to sign up for our school newsletter, which includes grade-level information each week. Register today.
Add PPE happenings to your calendar automatically!
You can subscribe to our PTO calendar and have all of our events show up on your calendar, so you never lose track of important dates! Following the links below will prompt you to subscribe to the calendar via your preferred calendar app. Any time the PTO updates an event through the website, it will update on the calendar of all subscribers (how often your calendar pulls updated info will be based on your individual personal settings – every 5 minutes, 1 hour, 1 week, etc).
For Calendar Apps (apple calendar etc), click here.
For Google Calendar, click here.