Weekly PTO Newsletter 1/28
Spring is Around the Corner!
Spring is around the corner and with it come some of PPE’s favorite events, like Read-A-Thon, Glitter Ball (the spring auction), and Grandparents and Special Friends Day (among so many others!). We also have fun new events we’re excited to tell you about in the coming weeks, so be sure you read the Friday eblast every week! None of these things are possible without your help, so we invite you to read about the great brewing and to join in and help us make them a reality for our children and our beloved school. As always, be sure to read the whole email so you don’t miss anything!
Thank You for a Wonderful Art Show!
Tigers and their parents gathered at the school on Thursday night for a winter themed art show to view their work as well as those of their friends. We had a special evening together celebrating our students, their creativity, and our fabulous art program. Thank you to all who attended! If you purchased your child’s artwork online but did not attend the in person show, it will be sent home with them in the next two weeks. And if you still want to purchase art, the show stays open all weekend so you can still purchase your child’s art online (but will have to pay for shipping).
Last Call for Yearbook Photos
Remember to submit photos of your Tigers before the Feb. 1 deadline! The yearbook committee is wrapping up this issue and seeking shots of PPE activities, troops, clubs, teams and Tigers having fun. Upload photos at images.jostens.com, Login ID 419205951.
Parent Volunteer Coordinators for Navigator Days
We need your help to make Navigator Days happen! PPE is looking for one parent volunteer per month for the rest of the school year to help identify a partner organization and their needs that we can help fill, to coordinate communication of the event to the school and through the PTO, and to coordinate delivery of any collected items. PPE will organize the actual collection / project at the school. Email Katie Agnew at katie.r.agnew@gmail.com if you are interested in helping!
MNPS Minecraft Challenge
MNPS is holding a district-wide Minecraft challenge for all students. Students must create a historical landmark and record a tour. In February, Mrs. Ramsey will host a work sessions for 3rd graders and 4th graders who are interested in completing the project.
3rd Grade – Tuesday after school until 4:00pm. Sign up here.
4th Grade – Wednesday after school until 4:00pm. Sign up here.
Any student is can create a submission. If you student is interested in entering, please contact Lisa Ramsey at lisa.ramsey@mnps.org.
Help bring the MAGIC to the 2022 PPE Read-A-Thon!
The PPE Library is transformed during the two weeks of Read-A-Thon. This year we’ll need some help making the magic happen. We’re looking to borrow about 8-10 fur coats, 10-15 artificial Christmas trees, and refrigerator sized cardboard boxes. And our wild card/dream prop: A wooden wardrobe or large armoire. We hope to have these collected by February 23rd and will return them on the Friday before Spring Break, March 11th. If you can temporarily lend any of these items to the library, please contact Tabitha Witherow (tabiguy@gmail.com) or Emmie Stuart (emily.stuart@mnps.org).
Used Book Sale – February 22–24 – Donations Needed!
It’s time to start gathering your used books for the annual used book sale, happening early next semester! We welcome books, games and even unused art and craft sets that are appropriate for Kindergarteners through 4th graders. This event will happen about a week ahead of the Read-A-Thon so the kids will get excited and have “new” books to read. Donation bins are on the PPE front porch!
The time has come to buy your tickets to highly anticipated Glitter Ball!!
Join us for a dazzling evening of dinner and dancing at the Percy Priest Elementary Glitter Ball, March 5, 6-10 pm at Richland Country Club! Dress in your chicest black and white attire and prepare to party like the glitterati! Guest DJ/resident star Mr. Mott will set the mood, and a silent auction will support PPE’s bright future.
Buy your tickets here!
For more details, contact Blaire Jett (blairejett@gmail.com) or Lindsay Moore (lindsay.schulz@gmail.com).
Seeking Glitter Ball Sponsors
Get your business in front of the Percy Priest community – via the website, newsletter, Friday Folders and signage – while also supporting a beloved cause: our very own school! We’re looking for a few more sponsors for Glitter Ball on March 5th. If your family or company can support us at the $500, $1,500, $3,000 or $5,000 level, we want to hear from you! Email percypriestauction@gmail.com or make a sponsorship online at https://fly.causepilot.com/percypriest/2022auction. Your support is so appreciated!
Basket Coordinators Needed
Calling all creatives – and anyone willing to lend a hand! Themed baskets are always HOT items and bring in big dollars at the silent auction, but we need help at each grade level to get those assembled. Please email Vanessa Heard (siandness@gmail.com) or Tabitha Witherow (tabiguy@gmail.com) to get involved.
Throw a Good Party for an Even Better Cause!
Seeking fun parents! We need hosts for adult AND grade-level parties to auction off at Glitter Ball. So round up some friends and start planning those events for parents, boys or girls at Percy Priest! Any and all party ideas welcome! Email percypriestauction@gmail.com if interested or with questions. THANK YOU!
Isaiah T. Creswell Middle Magnet School of the Visual and Performing Arts – Open House Feb. 1
Come learn all about the MNPS magnet middle school for visual and performing arts – Isiah T. Creswell Middle Magnet School of the Visual and Performing Arts. Jon via Zoom at 6:00 on Feb. 1 using this link: https://tinyurl.com/creswellfeb1. This magnet school will house 5th grade during the 2022-2023 school year and is the feeder school for the Nashville School of the Arts.
Lands’ End
Lands’ End catalog has a large selection of Standard School Attire (SSA) and PPE logo clothing. Lands’ End will donate 3% of all qualifying standard school attire purchases to Percy Priest. Please visit http://www.landsend.com to place your order! Be sure to link to Percy Priest by linking your account to our Preferred School Number: 900121294
Volunteer Spotlight

Name: Kelly Doyle
Children’s names and grades: McAuley, grade 4. My other 3 children attended Percy Priest as well. Connor, 10th grade, Sam, 9th grade, and Jackson 6th grade
Volunteer Role: I keep the PPE sign out front up to date.
Why Percy Priest: Why Percy Priest: We love Percy Priest! We have always felt the family atmosphere, and we love the PPE teachers. Truly the best there is! We feel blessed to be a part of this community. It has been a wonderful place for our children to learn and grow.