Welcome to Counselor Corner
Below you’ll find a library of our Parenting Series Webinars.
To access these presentations, please email our School Counselor : Kristin.Keiper@mnps.org. Please allow 24- 48 hours for access to be granted.
Dr. Alanna Truss & Katie Lee
Be SMART (Secure Firearm Storage)
Keywords: SMART=Secure, Model, Act, Recognize, Tell, gun storage, prevention
Charlotte Keeney
Bullying & Relational/Sibling Aggression
Join Charlotte Keeney, LCSW from Symmetry Counseling as she leads “Bullying & Relational/Sibling Aggression—Understanding Mistreatment & What You Can Do” in partnership with the PPE community.
Keywords: bullying definitions, person-centered language, Dr. Dan Olweus, “I” statements, emotional regulation, coregulation, bullying behavior, sibling rivalry
Kristin Keiper-Berneman
How to Talk with Children about Grief & Loss
Join Kristin Keiper-Berneman, School Counselor & ASCA certified Grief & Loss Specialist as she leads “How to Talk with Children About Grief & Loss” in partnership with the PPE community.
Keywords: euphemisms, magical thinking, funerals, wakes, memorials, grief by age
Kelly Flanagan
Childhood Mental Health 101, What to Look For & How You Can Help
Join Kelly Flanagan, LPC & Clinical Director of the Nashville OCD & Anxiety Treatment Center as she leads “Childhood Mental Health 101- What to Look For & How You Can Help” in partnership with the PPE community.
Keywords: mental health disorders, trends, ADHD, depression, cycle of anxiety, cycle of avoidance, modeling, resources, Natasha Daniels, “The Noise In Your Head” series, Adverse Childhood Events/ACEs
Jenn Stewart
The Endless What Ifs—Parenting an Anxious Child
Join Dr. Jenn Stewart of Green Hills Family Psych as she leads “The Endless ‘What Ifs’– Parenting an Anxious Child,” in partnership with the PPE community.
Keywords: parenting, SPACE (Supportive Parenting for Anxious Childhood Emotions), worry, cycle of anxiety, accommodations, regulation, problem-solving, pattern of avoidance, confidence
PPE School Counselor Roles & Responsibilities
- Leads classroom lessons on topics including emotional regulation, coping skills, decision making, conflict resolution, empathy, career exploration, safety and more
- Provides counseling interventions to individual students and small groups
- Consults with parents and teachers
- Serves as Support Team Chair, a team of school personnel that identifies appropriate resources to provide behavioral, social, emotional, academic, and attendance support for designated students
- Serves as 504 Coordinator, safeguarding the rights of students with disabilities
- Collaborates with and coordinates referrals with other school specialists through the MTSS -B process (school social worker, school psychologist, advocacy coach, etc.)
- Assists in the identification of and referrals for crisis situations
- Ensures parents and students are aware of how to access community resources
- Supports the PPE parent & caregiver community by coordinating the Parenting Series with area professionals