Parent Involvement Policy 2024-2025


Percy Priest Elementary School realizes that parents play a critical role in their children’s success, and their engagement impacts the educational community. The school recognizes the importance of working closely with parents to provide a quality educational experience for all students. This policy has been developed in collaboration with parents to outline the ways in which information and necessary training are provided to encourage and support each student’s progress. If there are any concerns or suggestions regarding the Parent Involvement Policy, please email Dr. Russell Young, Executive Principal, at

Communication with Parents

  • Percy Priest Elementary will provide parents with an explanation of the curriculum being used, the forms of academic assessment used to measure student progress, and the proficiency levels that students are expected to meet.
  • The school will strive to communicate clearly and effectively with parents through various communication strategies including, but not limited to, weekly newsletters and student folders, call-out announcement system, school website, progress reports, report cards, by mail, phone calls, E-blasts, and other emails.
  • Parents will have access to Infinite Campus and Schoology Parent Portals providing student grades, attendance, and assignments. These systems allow alerts to be set to receive notifications about grades and attendance.

Meeting with Parents

  • Parent meetings will be offered at various times along with regular PTO meetings.
  • There will be allocated days for Parent/Teacher Conferences throughout the year, so parents can meet with their students’ teachers and work together to support academic success.
  • Regular opportunities for parents to formulate suggestions and to participate, as appropriate, in decisions relating to the education of students.
  • The Percy Priest Elementary School administration team maintains an “open door” policy with parents for phone calls, emails, and conferences.

Parent Participation

  • Percy Priest Elementary School will collaborate with parents on the School Improvement Plan, as they are an integral part of the school community and crucial to improvement. Parents may serve on the SIP committee.
  • The school will assist parents in understanding Tennessee’s academic content standards, student achievement standards, and local academic assessments. Additionally, helping parents monitor student achievement will be available.
  • Students will be supported in successfully transitioning from elementary school to middle school and onto a career or college path by working with the middle school into which we feed.
  • Percy Priest Elementary School will continue collaborating with community groups and business partners to maximize student achievement, college and career readiness, and foster parent involvement.

Parental involvement means the participation of parents in regular, two-way, and meaningful communication involving student academic learning and other school activities, ensuring: (A) parents play an integral role in assisting their child’s learning; (B) parents are encouraged to be actively involved in their child’s education at school; (C) parents are full partners in their child’s education and are included, as appropriate, in decision-making and on advisory committees to assist in the education of their child.

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